Sunday, July 17, 2011

Transformers 4!

I'm a Transformers fan... I grew up liking the original G1 series, loving Beast Wars, etc. I even like the live action movies even though they get a lot of complaints.

In my most recent dream... I was in Transformers 4. The strange thing is it switched a lot from me being IN the movie, to me being on the set as it was filmed. There would be times I'd address Shia as "Sam" and the robots would be there next to us, while other times I'd... still call him Sam then feel stupid because I knew his name was Shia. However both scenarios he was a complete douchebag to me, so it doesn't matter ALL that much.

Telling everything that happened in one certain order would be a challenge... so I'll attempt to break it down into major parts.
  • Optimus was extremely depressed. He'd sit there very quietly or speak with a tone that sounded as if it was about to break down and weep. Even though this "story" was set three years after the end of the previous movie "Sam" said he was depressed due to the actions from Dark of the Moon. I remember finding this weird because he'd recount things that happened with him, his fiance, the Earth and I'd keep saying in my head, "Yeah, I know... I saw the movie too."
  • The Autobots kept changing size. There would be instances where Shia and I would be riding around in his new car, but Optimus would be sitting in the front passenger seat with us. I also remember an instance where I was able to pick up and throw a transformed Autobot (Skids for those of you in the know) into the group so he could transform. 
  • It was "movie night"... I wish I knew what the overall plot of this movie was because a large amount of time that I was there was spent on us driving to the movie theater... All of us. Then we had to pick what movie to see, finding the right theater, do we get snacks... So much time on something so useless. Ignoring the fact the Autobots were people sized and walking around in public like it wasn't a big deal.
And that's really it... I vaguely remember something to do with my family being there for one part, but not enough to recount everything that happened. I just remember a snooty film critic was there and ninjas were storming the theater... The Autobots might not have even been there so this could have been a new dream entirely... Who knows!?

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