Sunday, July 10, 2011

Part A

This dream, to my knowledge, was broken up into two parts. I'm unsure if they were happening simultaneously or what, so I'm actually hoping typing all this out helps piece things together and establishes a proper timeline.

Part A of the dream took place in either an apartment or dorm room. I was visiting my two brothers and staying with them for a few days (which itself is "huh?" worthy since both have been dead deceased for many years). It was present day, for me at least, but they were both the same ages they were at the time of their death putting each of us at about the same age. That's an odd fact I didn't think of until now.

What all occurred there is fuzzy... I remember the older one and I had to share the pull out sofa, but in typical dream fashion even though he's roughly 6'2 it was long enough we could both lay on it and have enough room to not touch the other. (From this moment on older brother will be called Heckle and the younger one Jekyll. That should be fun! :D) I don't remember what each of them did during the day, but it left me alone to entertain myself. Again I have no idea what I even did.

I do remember one day I was waling past Jekyll's room and saw his phone flashing. I picked it up to see a piece had been broken off and it was scrolling through a slew of text messages... some of which were from a girl I had been interested in seeing. I remember it being news to me that the two of them even knew each other, let alone a text or two from her saying things like "where are you, i miss you". (Not sure it's even worth assigning a fake name to her yet. I don't have ANY idea who she really was and I don't recall her name being spoken in the dream. Moving on.) As I looked through his phone, attempting to learn more of their relationship I saw an old friend of mine and him had been texting. Even though I knew it was a bad idea at the time, I texted the friend as me in an attempt to start talking to them again. It was then the door opened and a security guard walked in.

I wish I had something exciting to say for why he was there... but I've got nothing. I remember tossing the phone back on Jekyll's bed, talking to the guard and... then him leaving. I think he had to go because he got a call on his radio.

Typing all of this out, I'm starting to remember that the girl from the texts was in the apartment with me as the guard arrived. I vaguely remember showing her around the rooms, pointing out where I sleep, and then the guard showing up. It may have even been her who came in and caused me to toss the phone onto Jekyll's bed. It's all bits and pieces though.

Jekyll came home later and promptly noticed his phone had been touched. I'm unsure if he had seen that I had sent texts on it or not, but he was immediately rushing into my room and angrily yelling at me about it. There was even a point where he had me held against the wall and was about to get violent. Something I don't remember him ever being in real life. I started explaining how I saw it with the broken piece, saw it was flashing with the texts and how I was a generally curious guy. Too curious for his own good. Eventually he backed off and left.

And that's where the Part A ended. Normally if I dream of lost loved ones they're... nice. It's like they're actually there with me as something happens and it's nice to see them again. This time it was very different with my brother being a skewed version of his real self. I can't say I enjoyed it.

Part B will be in the next entry since this one was so long.

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