Friday, October 7, 2011

This is... Kind of normal for me.

I've had various types of dreams over the years. Some involve a zombie apocalypse. Some Doctor Who. Transformers. I've had some where I was in a mixture of my high school and college, seeing friends I haven't talked to in years. Hell, I've even had some where I was great friends with Tommy Wiseau.

This one had all of those...

Dream started off me in this hybrid school and seeing things I hadn't seen in a while. I was a student here, but I suppose had stopped going to many classes for a period of time. So much so that people were surprised and delighted to see me. It was nice seeing some of the people I had considered great friends again and reminiscing with them over the good times. Honestly, it was a little saddening because this is something I'd actually do if I ever saw these people again and I know that's near impossible.

School let out and it was time to catch our buses home. One common element in my dreams involving high school is that no matter what is going on I have to rush to the parking lot to find my bus, but arrive just in time to see them starting to leave. This actually happened a couple of times since you really had to search for your bus and it'd never park in the same place. The days when we had a sub bus were a nightmare since it was nearly impossible to find it. Anyway, buses pulled off and I was left behind with a girl who was also supposed to be on my bus. I'm not entirely sure if she was based on anyone in particular, but she was cute and seems like someone I knew at some point in school. We started walking off and headed in the direction of our homes.

I can't say for sure what happened next, but we wound up back at my house and I had turned into Doctor Who. David Tennant, to be specific. The girl and I were meeting this inventor type friend who was working on a car for us. I suppose the Tardis was lost for some reason. There's so much that was going on in this and I can't even formulate into a proper description so... I'm afraid it'll have to be left out. The jist of it is he had made a super car that could change, time travel, pass through solid objects. Apparently Doctor Me had seen this before and was impressed by the modifications. We all piled in and after turning the key found we had been transported into the back yard, with a second Doctor Me.

Something was wrong with the car and we had became stuck, somehow, in our moment in time. Doctor Us began to bicker back and forth about what to fix/how to fix it with him eventually knowing the answer since was a future version of myself. I don't get it either, this is just how it happened.

It was then that I found myself alone. With zombies. Just... out of the blue. Okay. I ran back into the home and started barricading whatever I could, knowing I was stuck without a Screwdriver or Tardis. Then the phone rang. I saw it said "Tommy" and answered it.

Before I go into this... I want you to get a firm idea of what Tommy Wiseau sounds like. Please watch this:
Okay, got it? Here is the exact transcript of the call.
Me: Hey, Tommy.
Tommy: Oh hi, Alonso. (Note, I was still Doctor Who at this point, but he knew me by my real name... You know what that means, Whovians.)
Me: I'm kind of busy, what's up?
Tommy: Oh, nothing much. I'm heading to your house. Let me in before these zombies get me.
Me: You're heading here?
Tommy: Hahaha. Of course. You have that flying car I can use and we escape.
Me: Yeah... The car's not really working. I'm stuck here.
Tommy: Oh. Let me in anyway I right outside.
*I Go to look out the front door and sees Tommy walking across the yard, a zombie closely behind him*
Me: There's one right behind you, hurry!
Tommy: Hey relax it's okay.
*Zombie then bites him on the shoulder. He doesn't react*
Tommy: Oh hi, let me in now yeah?
Me: I'm sorry... You're bitten. You know what that means.
*Tommy holds up a football*
Tommy: We play catch if you let me in, yeah?"
Me: No... No I can't do that, Tommy. I'm sorry.
*I make sure the door in secure and start to walk away*
Tommy: Alonso? Aloooonso?! Why you do this?! We friends!

Aaaaand that's it. I'd like to say he uttered "You're tearing me apart, Alonso!" but that never happened. I woke up to a painful elbow from laying on it funny and began forming my thoughts together so I could record this wonderful dream.

I'll say this though... I never thought I'd see the day when a zombie apocalypse would bore me in a dream. This one did. I blame you, Wiseau.

- Alonso