Friday, October 7, 2011

This is... Kind of normal for me.

I've had various types of dreams over the years. Some involve a zombie apocalypse. Some Doctor Who. Transformers. I've had some where I was in a mixture of my high school and college, seeing friends I haven't talked to in years. Hell, I've even had some where I was great friends with Tommy Wiseau.

This one had all of those...

Dream started off me in this hybrid school and seeing things I hadn't seen in a while. I was a student here, but I suppose had stopped going to many classes for a period of time. So much so that people were surprised and delighted to see me. It was nice seeing some of the people I had considered great friends again and reminiscing with them over the good times. Honestly, it was a little saddening because this is something I'd actually do if I ever saw these people again and I know that's near impossible.

School let out and it was time to catch our buses home. One common element in my dreams involving high school is that no matter what is going on I have to rush to the parking lot to find my bus, but arrive just in time to see them starting to leave. This actually happened a couple of times since you really had to search for your bus and it'd never park in the same place. The days when we had a sub bus were a nightmare since it was nearly impossible to find it. Anyway, buses pulled off and I was left behind with a girl who was also supposed to be on my bus. I'm not entirely sure if she was based on anyone in particular, but she was cute and seems like someone I knew at some point in school. We started walking off and headed in the direction of our homes.

I can't say for sure what happened next, but we wound up back at my house and I had turned into Doctor Who. David Tennant, to be specific. The girl and I were meeting this inventor type friend who was working on a car for us. I suppose the Tardis was lost for some reason. There's so much that was going on in this and I can't even formulate into a proper description so... I'm afraid it'll have to be left out. The jist of it is he had made a super car that could change, time travel, pass through solid objects. Apparently Doctor Me had seen this before and was impressed by the modifications. We all piled in and after turning the key found we had been transported into the back yard, with a second Doctor Me.

Something was wrong with the car and we had became stuck, somehow, in our moment in time. Doctor Us began to bicker back and forth about what to fix/how to fix it with him eventually knowing the answer since was a future version of myself. I don't get it either, this is just how it happened.

It was then that I found myself alone. With zombies. Just... out of the blue. Okay. I ran back into the home and started barricading whatever I could, knowing I was stuck without a Screwdriver or Tardis. Then the phone rang. I saw it said "Tommy" and answered it.

Before I go into this... I want you to get a firm idea of what Tommy Wiseau sounds like. Please watch this:
Okay, got it? Here is the exact transcript of the call.
Me: Hey, Tommy.
Tommy: Oh hi, Alonso. (Note, I was still Doctor Who at this point, but he knew me by my real name... You know what that means, Whovians.)
Me: I'm kind of busy, what's up?
Tommy: Oh, nothing much. I'm heading to your house. Let me in before these zombies get me.
Me: You're heading here?
Tommy: Hahaha. Of course. You have that flying car I can use and we escape.
Me: Yeah... The car's not really working. I'm stuck here.
Tommy: Oh. Let me in anyway I right outside.
*I Go to look out the front door and sees Tommy walking across the yard, a zombie closely behind him*
Me: There's one right behind you, hurry!
Tommy: Hey relax it's okay.
*Zombie then bites him on the shoulder. He doesn't react*
Tommy: Oh hi, let me in now yeah?
Me: I'm sorry... You're bitten. You know what that means.
*Tommy holds up a football*
Tommy: We play catch if you let me in, yeah?"
Me: No... No I can't do that, Tommy. I'm sorry.
*I make sure the door in secure and start to walk away*
Tommy: Alonso? Aloooonso?! Why you do this?! We friends!

Aaaaand that's it. I'd like to say he uttered "You're tearing me apart, Alonso!" but that never happened. I woke up to a painful elbow from laying on it funny and began forming my thoughts together so I could record this wonderful dream.

I'll say this though... I never thought I'd see the day when a zombie apocalypse would bore me in a dream. This one did. I blame you, Wiseau.

- Alonso

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Indy would need new underpants.

This dream started off as nothing special. It was present day, sometime in the evening, I think I was home alone as the family was off doing something else.

I had been on the computer and taken a break to visit the little Alonso's room and heard something moving around. I moved the trashcan aside and saw this mean.... MEAN looking snake staring at me. I panicked and trapped it under the trashcan, using my foot and leg to hold it down, and heard all this banging around as it tried to get free. I kept feeling it wobbling around and noticed its head was partially sticking out under the lid... and it was easing out. The head started rising as it looked at me and... I can only describe the snake as... Horny. Not in that sense, but it had these ridges around its head and neck that looked like some kind of abnormal bone structure and again... this thing looked very mean. Still in shock I applied more pressure and severed the head with the rim of the trashcan. I started to feel some relief, but I noticed the movement under the can never calmed down... it got worse... and worse... until finally I couldn't hold the trashcan down anymore. The head had grown back.

From there I decided the best solution was to lock it in the bathroom and get help. I started running for the door as the snake followed, barely managing to close it on the snake's mid-section, again trapping it. Like before... I pulled harder and cut through it and again like before it started to regenerate itself. I stood in horror as I watched this thing growing and growing, repairing its lost section and in fact becoming longer than it was before. Just thinking about it now gives me this feeling of fear that I haven't felt in a very long time. Needless to say, I ran. I ran faster than I'd ever ran before.

Using what I knew I figured out 1) You can't kill it by decapitation. 2) Whenever a section it cut off it'll regrow it nearly instantly but with more mass than it had before. What if I could trap it... and burn it? I ran to the back of the house and found our grill... but like in the real world it hadn't been in used in a while. I didn't know if it had enough propane, if it would click on... or if it'd be enough to kill the monster. I knew where a grill lighter was so I began heading for that. Running around the house I managed to find one next to the driveway, but I also saw one of our neighbors grilling something in the front of our yard. I called him over saying I needed his help, but instead he called me over to talk about this bread he was cooking... I later learned he had been drinking. I never learned why he was using our yard for his grill, but since another neighbor was across the street and grilling something else (He didn't live there either) I guess it was... okay.

Somehow I was able to get him to pay attention to my problem and he came along to help deal with it, still not understanding how bizarre the thing looked. We arrived back at the kitchen and he was baffled  as he saw it, nearly falling over. The snake, however, couldn't care less about him and was keeping its eyes locked on me. The neighbor, who I'll now call Gary, went for it and held the snake's head in an attempt to try keeping it from striking one of us. The snake lunged for him and he instead went for the tail and it started heading for me. I started backing away, but I had underestimated how large it had grown in my absence. I was able to run out of the kitten, move around the two walls of it and loop around to the other side and still had some room to stretch... Gary must have done something that I had missed, but the snake became severed at some point and he tossed the head section into a large grocery bag that was laying around... As he struggled to keep it closed we could see the snake beginning to grow again through the thin bag... And it looked exactly like one of those Black Magic Snakes growing, minus the fire.

While he attempted to keep it contained, Gary found himself unable to keep the bag sealed due to the growing mass inside. At one point the snake's head shot out and started darting for me through the air. I reached out and grabbed the neck, unsure what a bite from this thing would do to me. It struggled to get free, trying to bite me, but I continued to squeeze the tough, boney texture. I noticed as I kept squeezing that regardless how think the snake felt, it still moved inward as I squeezed it. It wasn't bone... so I squeezed as hard as I could, crushing the head of the serpent from hell. Still holding on I watched in horror as the head began returning to its normal shape, almost inflating. It moved suddenly and my hand was cut on one of its points. Gary ran outside and I locked the door behind him, running to my room in hopes of looking this thing up and finding an expert online who could help stop it.

Google was useless, there weren't any posts that talked about a "regenerating snake with boney neck". I do remember imagining my keywords triggering some government alert. Yes, dream me thought this was some government experiment that had gotten out and was being heavily tracked. I wasn't able to find anything though. The closest I came was finding the name of a biological scientist online, but being unable to contact them besides a simple email. I saw a few friends online, tried to get their attention if only so I had someone to talk to as I was freaking out, but never got a response.

I realized them it had been a while since Gary had gone outside... I went to the door and unlocked it, walking outside and hearing silence. Moving around I eventually found Gary and a couple other neighbors around our grill, holding the lid shut. Even though it was on and there was smoke coming from it... the snake was silent and was moving around under the cover. Gary looked to me, never saying a word, then looked back to it. The other neighbors never turning away from the grill. Finally one of them noticed it had grown quiet and made the suggestion that we check to see if it's dead.

They did, it escaped and began flying towards me, sinking its fangs into my ass as I ran away. They began pulling its tail and I heard the sound of fabric ripping as they got it free and I fell to the ground.

Then I woke up. I rarely see anything that has a mention of them in it so what brought this dream on is beyond me. Even so, I'm not even scared of snakes... but this dream terrified me. I woke up and almost went to look outside to see if Gary was out there with the grill. It felt incredibly real and got to me deeply. Even now I had to take frequent breaks since just recounting it brought upon that feeling of dread.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

More normal, but still quite enjoyable

The set-up for this dream was very simple: I was going on a date. Nothing suspicious about that.

Things started off with me figuring out costs/prices for the night. You see, the major complication is they lived a while away so a cab out there would wind up being costly. I in the end decided it was more cost effective (somehow) for me to take a cab to their location for the initial date, do the date, then instead of taking a cab back home I would stay in a hotel for that night and it'd give me more time to explore the city.

I have no idea what kind of logic dream me had in this... In the end I'd still be paying the double cab fare PLUS the cost for staying in a hotel...

Eventually it somehow came to be they would come to my location and we'd do something here. We settled on dinner at the Cheesecake Factory (the nearest one being at the mall) even though it was already after 10pm. [Oh. This doesn't have any proper place in the dream, but before the date there was an instance where I was figuring out Christmas presents to give the girl since... It was suddenly Christmas time? I had settled on a handful of things and brought them along when we left.] Continuing on, we arrived at the mall and were surprised to find it closed up. Walking closer to the doors we saw some people inside eating so I tried the door and was immediately laughed at by this group of construction workers who said "Mall's closed up, kids. Them people will be thrown out soon enough so don't worry about it."

However, after we said we had been heading to the Cheesecake Factory they let us know it was still open (for some reason) and we headed to her car since it was on the other side of the mall. Not sure why, but when I opened the door she... started driving... leaving me to grab onto the door for dear life as we moved at a dangerous FIVE miles an hour. After traveling for about five or ten minutes we arrived at our destination... where we met Jerry.

 When I was in elementary school this was this janitor that worked there named Mr. Charmain. He was always friendly and it was a pleasure to talk to him even when I was a little kid. I think Mr. Charmain was the inspiration for "Jerry" since he was a custodian for the mall that I had known for some time. In his dream's timeline I had gone to the mall often to hang out with Jerry and just talk about stuff. This date was the same type of thing. I guess we started having a lot of fun because we completely forgot about the Cheesecake Factory and brought our presents inside to hand them out.

I can't say for sure what was given to whom... I know the gifts were more sentimental in nature than value, but I started feeling bad since we had presents that meant a lot of us while Jerry was left out. I gave him a couple of the ones I had intended for her and she did the same, making him quite happy. After we had finished I left him some money in a place I knew he'd find it with a note saying "Merry Christmas" and we went back to our homes.

This dream wasn't anywhere near as weird as my other ones turn out to be. In the end I'm left wondering whatever happened to Mr. Charmain. The last time I saw him was when my younger sister went to the same school six or so years ago. I see him still on the staff list for the school and I find myself wanting to visit and see how things are going. Maybe I'll have to find an excuse to stop by sometime.

- Alonso

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Transformers 4!

I'm a Transformers fan... I grew up liking the original G1 series, loving Beast Wars, etc. I even like the live action movies even though they get a lot of complaints.

In my most recent dream... I was in Transformers 4. The strange thing is it switched a lot from me being IN the movie, to me being on the set as it was filmed. There would be times I'd address Shia as "Sam" and the robots would be there next to us, while other times I'd... still call him Sam then feel stupid because I knew his name was Shia. However both scenarios he was a complete douchebag to me, so it doesn't matter ALL that much.

Telling everything that happened in one certain order would be a challenge... so I'll attempt to break it down into major parts.
  • Optimus was extremely depressed. He'd sit there very quietly or speak with a tone that sounded as if it was about to break down and weep. Even though this "story" was set three years after the end of the previous movie "Sam" said he was depressed due to the actions from Dark of the Moon. I remember finding this weird because he'd recount things that happened with him, his fiance, the Earth and I'd keep saying in my head, "Yeah, I know... I saw the movie too."
  • The Autobots kept changing size. There would be instances where Shia and I would be riding around in his new car, but Optimus would be sitting in the front passenger seat with us. I also remember an instance where I was able to pick up and throw a transformed Autobot (Skids for those of you in the know) into the group so he could transform. 
  • It was "movie night"... I wish I knew what the overall plot of this movie was because a large amount of time that I was there was spent on us driving to the movie theater... All of us. Then we had to pick what movie to see, finding the right theater, do we get snacks... So much time on something so useless. Ignoring the fact the Autobots were people sized and walking around in public like it wasn't a big deal.
And that's really it... I vaguely remember something to do with my family being there for one part, but not enough to recount everything that happened. I just remember a snooty film critic was there and ninjas were storming the theater... The Autobots might not have even been there so this could have been a new dream entirely... Who knows!?

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I dreamed I was Garth from Wayne's World...

No actual specifics... I was just... Garth. My parents were the same, friends the same (I don't even remember Wayne being there), but I.... was Garth.

This confuses me more than any of my other strange dreams ever have. It also is making me crave some donuts.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Part B

Continuing from the last entry, but not at all related to it...

This next dream took place in my former high school, like some of my dreams do, and took a lot of elements from previous dreams. One thing I really do like is when my dreams, no matter how weird/random they turn out, have continuity with previous dreams based in the same location. Anyway, let's begin.

I don't know if there was any real beginning to this dream. I just remember walking through the halls and things just... happening. I recall loaning a t-shirt (I'm quite fond of geeky/nerdy/humor based t-shirts) to a friend I honestly haven't seen or thought of since middle school. He had seen me wearing it one day and loved it so I said "sure!" and gave it to him. What I didn't expect was that him + this shirt = instant fame. I had worn this shirt many times and no one had noticed. Suddenly he had wore it for a day and BAM everyone is on him about how funny it was, how cool it was. Things that would have greatly annoyed me in high school.

I was in high school. I was very annoyed.

The following day I approached him and asked if I could have the shirt back. He gave me this look of disappointment and walked over to the trash can where he started taking out the shirt... but it was different. There were students signatures all over it. Students had liked the shirt so much they signed their names on it and wrote personal messages to him on it...? Okay then...

I told him he would need to buy me a new one. He got defensive so I explained it was only $15 including shipping, (A wonderful thing since my shirts can be $20... $25 plus shipping.) but then he started saying how I could pay for it since it was so cheap. I said that wouldn't work and I would Facebook him the link to where the online store was. It was then a teacher (from my college) approached me with a kind of... receipt. It was meant to be a school credit type thing for... getting prescriptions... She had maxed it out in hopes I wouldn't diminish the reputation of this one student... I was in the dream and even this confused me. Badly. I tore it up saying that isn't what I wanted and the friend called me back where he reached under his desk and pulled out the real shirt... not a single marking on it. He gave it to me, grumbled since it wasn't his anymore. I felt victorious.

I have no idea what made this t-shirt so special, but wow...

Upon walking away the teacher from earlier was sobbing since I had shown her such little respect. I went into this whole rant about the principle of the thing, how I very much needed medication, how I couldn't be bought off, blah blah blah. This attracted the attention of another student I may or may not have had a crush on in high school and she started following me. There was some remark being yelled at her from some of her friends and she ran off. I don't remember what was said, but it basically was in response with her walking off with someone like me. Shrug.

We wound up in this room with a bunch of black girls (Hey, it's not racist if they're actually black) and listened to their conversation for a bit. Eventually told us to sit on the floor and join them as they prayed for something to happen. I knelt a little and that brought laughter because they had "made the boy pray to their goddess". As I looked around at some of the embarrassed faces of the guys sitting outside I realized they do this to guys as a form of joke... Okay then... I got up and started to leave when the school shook a little. Then it shook some more. Then it somehow became apparent to me the girls were flying the school as if it were a plane. And... this all seemed normal to EVERYONE. The school was rushing through the sky, causing students to go flying into walls and... it was normal. I even knew to run because walking was much more difficult when "they did this to the school."

This led me to... The Savage brothers. For some reason I've had dreams before where Ben and Fred Savage are... in the school. But it's them from the very early 90's where both are still quite young. To make it even weirder, Ben is laying in bed slowly dying of some disease... They pretty much live in this hallway and both sides of it are blocked due to the gifts, personal possessions given to them as they wait for the younger brother to die... Saying this scene is sad would be an understatement. I approached them, waking up Fred, and said my hellos. Ben didn't look well at all.

In some previous dream where they had shown up I had loaned them my Batman: The Animated Series DVD. That was my "one thing" I remember for sure with them... I'd show up with something they liked, let them borrow it, go about my merry way. I had shown up today with a paperback of Batman: The Animate Series. What that means is I had a comic collection drawn by the animators, written by the story... writers but entirely new stories. He was quite thrilled since in my dream we all loved Batman. It was then that Fred remembered I had loaned some other books (One of which was a Bart Simpson collection where him and Radioactive Man teamed up). I had completely forgotten even loaning these books to them, proving how bad my memory was. My memory is terrible, folks... Even in my dreams I forget things I had done in previous dreams JUST so I can point out to myself how bad my memory is.

And that's quite literally where the dream ends. Not with me getting up and walking away, not some impressive ending. It's just me... looking at this comic and going "My memory sucks."


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Part A

This dream, to my knowledge, was broken up into two parts. I'm unsure if they were happening simultaneously or what, so I'm actually hoping typing all this out helps piece things together and establishes a proper timeline.

Part A of the dream took place in either an apartment or dorm room. I was visiting my two brothers and staying with them for a few days (which itself is "huh?" worthy since both have been dead deceased for many years). It was present day, for me at least, but they were both the same ages they were at the time of their death putting each of us at about the same age. That's an odd fact I didn't think of until now.

What all occurred there is fuzzy... I remember the older one and I had to share the pull out sofa, but in typical dream fashion even though he's roughly 6'2 it was long enough we could both lay on it and have enough room to not touch the other. (From this moment on older brother will be called Heckle and the younger one Jekyll. That should be fun! :D) I don't remember what each of them did during the day, but it left me alone to entertain myself. Again I have no idea what I even did.

I do remember one day I was waling past Jekyll's room and saw his phone flashing. I picked it up to see a piece had been broken off and it was scrolling through a slew of text messages... some of which were from a girl I had been interested in seeing. I remember it being news to me that the two of them even knew each other, let alone a text or two from her saying things like "where are you, i miss you". (Not sure it's even worth assigning a fake name to her yet. I don't have ANY idea who she really was and I don't recall her name being spoken in the dream. Moving on.) As I looked through his phone, attempting to learn more of their relationship I saw an old friend of mine and him had been texting. Even though I knew it was a bad idea at the time, I texted the friend as me in an attempt to start talking to them again. It was then the door opened and a security guard walked in.

I wish I had something exciting to say for why he was there... but I've got nothing. I remember tossing the phone back on Jekyll's bed, talking to the guard and... then him leaving. I think he had to go because he got a call on his radio.

Typing all of this out, I'm starting to remember that the girl from the texts was in the apartment with me as the guard arrived. I vaguely remember showing her around the rooms, pointing out where I sleep, and then the guard showing up. It may have even been her who came in and caused me to toss the phone onto Jekyll's bed. It's all bits and pieces though.

Jekyll came home later and promptly noticed his phone had been touched. I'm unsure if he had seen that I had sent texts on it or not, but he was immediately rushing into my room and angrily yelling at me about it. There was even a point where he had me held against the wall and was about to get violent. Something I don't remember him ever being in real life. I started explaining how I saw it with the broken piece, saw it was flashing with the texts and how I was a generally curious guy. Too curious for his own good. Eventually he backed off and left.

And that's where the Part A ended. Normally if I dream of lost loved ones they're... nice. It's like they're actually there with me as something happens and it's nice to see them again. This time it was very different with my brother being a skewed version of his real self. I can't say I enjoyed it.

Part B will be in the next entry since this one was so long.