Saturday, January 22, 2011

Again with people I never see? Really?

Dream started with a friend (the one from the Comcast dream) and I going to a friend of his' house. The guy lived pretty far off and for some reason I was taking my bike (with pedals) while he took his bike (with an engine). After some time we arrived and I was blown away by how large of a house the guy's (or kid depending on how old I was)home was. We also met up with another friend that I haven't seen in years, so it was odd he was there as well.

It's all somewhat a blur what we did there. I know I brought some movies to watch, but I can't remember us actually watching anything. It's as if the dream fast forwarded to us leaving and me getting my stuff packed up starting with gathering my movies. The problem was my movies had gotten mixed up in his DVDs on the floor and he couldn't remember what was mine or his, suggesting I leave mine behind until HE can figure it out. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my movies. The thought of someone having something I own is bad enough, but if it's some of my DVDs I get really twitchy. I got twitchy. He started getting angry. Words were exchanged, tempers flared, but he eventually backed off and let me get my stuff.

Also, in a bit of "hey, this is related to present day!" bidness; I recently got a Wii and joined Club Nintendo. If you buy any Wii/DS games they have a code you put in to register them and get points you can apply towards physical items or prizes if you get enough. I've been running around going through all of my games, my sister's games, my mom's games. Thought that was funny this little thing popped up in the dream as I was tempted to go through his large collection of DS cartridge boxes.

I only mention this because it was... Well, it was weird... But as we were leaving I found my hoodie with the help of the guy/kid's mom after it was hidden under a large pile of clothes and went outside to see that friend 2, who I'll call Bill had brought his car, offering me a ride home. A ride home instead of riding my bike for god knows how many miles? Kay, bro. However, five minutes into it I remember I left my bike back so we turned around. I don't know the reason for this... not at all... but I wound up going around the house and seeing their grandmother in the basement. It's hard to explain what she was doing but think of Granny Addams (from the two good Addams Family movies) in her kitchen/laboratory mixing up whatever it was she mixed. For those of you who have never seen those movies, sorry, I can't find a Youtube clip for you. She had a hard time understanding that I was looking for my bike, but eventually directed me to a hidden room with a small collection of bikes, mine included. What's odd is at this point I can remember putting my bike in there, but I couldn't any time before.

I got my bike, somehow fastened it to the friend's car and we took off. One thing to know is these two friends loved speed. If we went anywhere it was done very quickly, even though I get very nervous in cars. Bill was in the military both in real life and the dream, and somehow was exempt from being pulled over or getting traffic tickets due to his special license plate. This came in handy when him and friend 1 were going insanely fast and not one, not two, but three cop cars pulled out behind us. Bill pulled over, eventually, and one cop car sped past. Two cop cars sped past. Three... Where's the third? Oh! The third pulled behind us anyway, cool.

He was your standard stereotypical officer you see in movies. Chewing tobacco, southern accent, aviator shades, hating anyone who's close to being a teenager. The dialog between him and Bill was hard to remember, but I remember he was very nonchalant as the cop tore into him verbally. He never issued a ticket, but he did all he could to make us feel bad before getting back in his car and leaving. That's where things really start getting fuzzy, and I think I woke up.

Did friend 1 ever get a ticket? Did we speed all the way home? Did I really take some DS game codes when the other guy wasn't looking? No idea.

Friday, January 21, 2011

They can't all be sunshine and lollipops

The dream began like they all do. Present day. Present actions. Blah blah blah. The only difference that I can seemingly recall was that I was in the middle of an online/long distance relationship thing. Everything seemed to be going well, from what I remember, and life seemed pretty good.

Too good.

In the dream I had met the person* via a website. It's really hard to describe what it was, but if I HAD to put it into words it'd be "4Chan, with a visual graphics that remind me of the night club scenes in Batman Beyond" (Terrible example, but it's hard to find clips on Youtube.) To my knowledge we hadn't traded any "real" information besides names so looking back I guess I really didn't know them at all besides what we had talked about in chats. We had also been doing so for dare I say two years, so I felt as if I truly knew the person. Without even seeing them? Dream me is weird.

Skip to the end, in a thread I see a similar style post from someone that reminds me greatly of this person and I eventually learn they don't exist. Not as I know them at least. It reminded me a lot of the movie Catfish, except the person on the other end wasn't a lonely (but kind) mother looking for an escape. It was a twenty something out to hurt people because they were bored. I asked them about it, they confirmed and after a great deal of "LOLOLOLOLOLOLs" severed all contact with me.

One of the "perks" of being anti-social is you really don't make friends often. I have no shame admitting I only have one real life friend while I may have perhaps ten more "good" friends online. It's not something I throw around all willy nilly, but I even consider some of my online friends to be my besties if only because of how we click. I value my friends greatly and the thought of not being able to talk to them anymore hurts extremely much. This person especially. 

And that's where I woke up. I've had all kinds of dreams that have gotten to me in one shape or form, and I can tell you this was one of those times where it really got to me. I can't remember the last time I woke up feeling so distraught. I know it was only a dream, but I guess it was in part because you don't truly know someone online. You can talk for hours a day, months, years, etc and still not know the "true" person behind the wall of text. Something I rarely think about, to be honest.

* Said person might be based on someone I know. Even though I doubt anyone I know will even read this I'm not giving any details to "out" who it may or may not be.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Let's see if I can remember this...

Last night was a very odd dream, which is why I'm posting about it. The problem is when I woke up I was too groggy to type it all out and didn't even remember it happening until right this moment.

The dream started... I don't know. No really. When the dream started events were already in motion. I had downloaded so much content illegally that Comcast was sending someone to either arrest or kill me. I can only assume this came from an email I got a few months back about downloading Scott Pilgrim vs the World . That's seriously how the dream began. In this alternate universe both of my parents were still alive, I was still friends with people I haven't talked to in years, but it was still "present" day. My sister was missing too. Not sure if she simply didn't exist or was hiding from my dream cameraman.

I really do wish I could piece more of this together, but events all felt rushed and really random. My family was working on getting me out of there so I could run from this guy coming to get me (Played by Sean Bean in the dream) and it was a race against time to get me off. My friend and I were trying to collect as much stuff as we needed, while not packing too much. Why? We were leaving on a new motorcycle bought specifically for our getaway. It's hard to explain much about this bike, but if you've seen American Chopper think of the most extreme "chopper" they could ever make. If that doesn't help imagine the Batpod from The Dark Knight. I don't know just go with it.

I was rushing around gathering the necessities: Messenger bag, laptop, power cord.... cat. I tried to stuff my cat into the bag, but was saddened to see he wouldn't fit. Moving along. I ran outside and my dad met me with a large sum of cash (roughly $5000) saying he had sold his car to help get me some funds to survive on Why we didn't keep the car and use the money to buy the bike is beyond me. and it was time to go on our journey! The topic came up over where we were going; whether we were going to be on the move or settle down in one place to wait things out. We didn't even know so you won't either.

We loaded up on the bike and then the question was uttered. Alonso aren't you bringing any clothes? "No! Of course not! I'm going to re-wear what I've got on, you fools!" Hey don't look at me, dream me said it. From there I was forced to pack some fresh clothes to wear and overheard someone mention how due to the frame of the bike we couldn't ride it more than two months before it would literally fall apart. Awesome. Reloaded, saying goodbye to my cat and making sure everyone KNEW to take care of him. He likes being scratched under his chin, his belly rubbed and the scruff of his neck tugged pretty hard.

We rode off to the waves of my family and people I didn't even recognize. Just as we were off an apache landed and out stepped Bean with a very large gun, very angry and glaring off into what I can only call "the camera". That's when it ended. You can imagine I woke up very confused. I'll never know whether we outran the long arm of Comcast or not. Did we live in a hotel? Did we move from place to place for years to come?

So many questions. No answers.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


For some reason my family was taking a trip to Idaho. I don't remember the reason why, but I don't think it was revealed in the dream either. While in Idaho I ran into the Shaytards family and they thought it'd be fun if I tagged along with them on their outing. Sounds fun so far, huh? For some bizarre reason they were visiting a Disney warehouse/museum... A place that stored full sets from various Disney movies, props and oddest of all; Muppets. It was a warehouse for storing anything and everything Muppet related. Every puppet over the years. Why is this place in Idaho again? Since we were visiting this place I thought it'd be fun to bring a Muppet themed playset so I could... No idea why.

When in this place I pretty much fell behind as Shaycarl dis his usual shenanigans and his wife filmed him doing so. I like the Shaytards, I really do, but I have to admit sometimes Shaycarl can do things in public that would annoy me if I was visiting/worked there. While they did this I too was filming since this was stuff I wanted to share on my own Youtube channel. Something I found odd was Katielette would pop into frame, blocking my shot for many things. Almost as if she had intended to ruin what I was filming. We eventually came to the Muppet portion and I was shocked to find they didn't have a kitchen set like I was carrying so I let them put it on display while we continued wandering around. Time passed, places were scene including a giant library set from Alice in Wonderland and it was time to go.

We all piled into the Shaytards van to leave until I remembered to go back and get the playset, something the family seemed annoyed at. I ran inside, met a woman behind the desk who had no idea who I was or what I was talking about, but finally understood that I was "the kid" who "loaned the thing". It was then that the thousands of Muppets on the tables around us came to life and put on a musical number. A scary. Scary. Musical number. Then they all went back to "sleep" and I went to get my toy, shrugging the whole thing off. As I was making sure everything was intact the room shifted so an entire class of students was watching a video on the sole TV, oblivious to what I was doing.

It was then that my mom suddenly appeared as if she had been there the whole time. You know how you fall asleep watching a movie channel and later when you wake up a "late night movie" is on? You stumble to find the remote and pray no one walked by, heard the moans coming from your room and thought poor of you. This suddenly happened to the TV and my mom was deeply embarrassed as she tried changing the channel, the class watching her with disgust.

Another jump and it's the end. I'm back in the van with the Tards and asking if I could use some of their footage on my Youtube since a lot of my stuff had been ruined. No biggie. Of course they said sure, but by the end they had put it all on their channel and had not gotten back to me. I sad faced and everything faded to black.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Gene Shalit?! Get out of here! (This one is very long)

Most of my dreams start off fairly normal. It's present day, people I know are there, things progress like any other day. At one point, however, they skew off into a whole new direction for a number of unknown reasons. This was one of those dreams.

It started off with me hearing the doorbell ringing, and rushing to see what package the mail man had brought me. Something that admittedly happens two-three times a week and is a daily moment I look forward to. I opened the door to find a new mail man I had never met before with a HUGE pile of packages at his feet. I opened the screen door and he immediately got excited, "Hey there, Alonso! Boy you sure got a large shipment today! Hoo hoo hoo!" I knew this guy was off from the moment I opened the door, but whatever. He's just a friendly mail man.

Before I continue, let's describe this jolly post man: He was roughly six feet tall, pretty chunky like myself but much much older. It didn't occur to me until later, but he had the face of Gene Shalit with white hair and the voice of Rip Taylor. No wonder I was horrified.

Anywho! Being the friendly mail man he is, he decided to help me carry in this huge army of boxes. Before this, however, he had a game he wanted to play. "Guess what you got today!" In this dream I had bought the Ultimate Cut of Watchmen off eBay and it had arrived today. To help me with this he had opened it and given clues as to what the mystery item was. As I'd guess he'd hand me a disc at a time until finally giving me the box to put everything in. Dream me was growing very agitated with this new guy.

After everything was carried in he... decided to say hello to the family. He rushed up to my sister "Oh you look adorable today, Gretchen!" and gave her an awkward hug. "Oh hello, Mrs. Palonso!", he said as he rushed up to her and gave a long... looooong hug. My mom's face proving that she too had no idea who this guy was. I had had enough and rushed to get the nearest thing I could find. I grabbed.... a remote control... and hit him over the head with it, chasing him out of the house. As he was outside he was yelling at us and ran to his mail truck to leave.

Now I have no idea why it was this way in the dream, but he had a piece of paper on the truck with a name and truck number. I made sure to jot those down and contact both the post office and police. Upon further inspection using Google I found the guy was wanted in many states for posing as a postal employee, stalking people and killing them. (I know this is too easy and stupid that he uses the same name for each crime. It's a dream. Go with it.) The police then showed up and told us they not only had found him, but he had been arrested.

Some time passed in the dream and life seemed normal. We had gotten in the car to leave until we noticed behind us was a parked mail truck, blocking us in the driveway. Closing the door to alert my mom Mr. Mail Man appeared in the back seats, hands still bound with some cable tie, talking to us about how it wasn't nice calling to cops.
From here things begin to get hazy, but the dream then shifted to a typical horror film chase. Killer is stalking prey. Prey is trying to hide in a industrial type location. Prey is... female? Wait a minute, this isn't the mail man chasing her... Oh... He's the partner of the first guy who is now dead? Okay... Let's run with it and see what happens. Things happens, girl avoids him, police show up and kill the guy. As the reporters are interviewing this woman, who I now see to be a 70's Jamie Lee Curtis, she goes into detail about how he had stalked her and her family, how creepy he was for a mail man, how she beat him, etc.

Then that was it. No word on me, my family, Shalit looking mail man. The audience (my mind) had gotten bored with the current story, so I was recast as Jamie Lee Curtis and the main villain was killed off screen.

The kicker? I go onto Youtube and what do I see in the side ad?



Not that you've read it or anything, but like my blog on my own stupidity this will serve as a log of dreams I have. I've had some truly bizarre ones and really wish I had written them down so I could look back and smile. Or shudder.

Hopefully I'll remember to update this as dreams happen, but I know I'll miss some down the road. It's inevitable.

Hope you enjoy the stories,